21 October 2014

FGM: can't you just pass a law against it?

Guest blog by Caroline Overton. As the UK’s Ministry of Justice publishes a raft of new measures to protect girls and women from FGM 28 Too Many Programmes Manager Caroline Overton asks, FGM: can’t you just pass a law against it?

16 October 2014

A Kurdish Girl's story of FGM

Blog Action Day post by Nigeen Akram. A powerful blog by 28 Too Many volunteer and medical student Nigeen telling the story of a Kurdish FGM survivor she met during a visit to Iraqi Kurdistan this summer. We share this on Blog Action Day 2014 in the hope that it will be seen by many people and encourage support for the brave Kurdish women standing against FGM.

3 October 2014

How can we end FGM in Mali?

As 28 Too Many's new report Country Profile: FGM in Mali shows the extent of FGM in Mali, researcher Gemma Locke highlights some of the challenges and shares her hopes for change.

30 September 2014

Press Release: 9 out of 10 girls in Mali at risk of FGM

28 Too Many's new research, Country Profile: FGM in Mali, confirms that FGM remains a major issue in Mali and that 91% of girls and women have experienced FGM. The report details the practice and explains the underlying social drivers which support the continuation of FGM.

17 June 2014

How community action is tackling FGM in Pokot

Guest blog by Kabete Benard. Kabete Benard provides an insight into community development work in Pokot County in Kenya where FGM is still widely practised.

13 June 2014

Ending female genital mutilation in Sierra Leone

28 Too Many's new report, Country Profile: FGM in Sierra Leone, shines a light on the secretive practice of female genital mutilation in Sierra Leone. It shows that change is happening and makes recommendations on what needs to be to done to accelerate the ending of this harmful practice.

12 June 2014

Press Release: It's time to break the taboo and end FGM in Sierra Leone

On Saturday 17th May, a nine year old Sierra Leonean girl died from female genital mutilation (FGM) related complications. 

28 Too Many’s new report “Country Profile: FGM in Sierra Leone” shines a light on this secretive practice and shows that there has been a slight fall in the prevalence rate of FGM in Sierra Leone from 2008 to 2013 but the practice still affects approximately 89.6% of women (DHS, 2013). 

13 May 2014

Inspiring a generation to end FGM

Guest blog by 28 Too Many volunteer Vivien Cohen. A blog on some of the women who inspire our work to end FGM and are making a difference to millions of women and girls worldwide.

23 January 2014

It's time for men to stand up and say no to FGM

Did you know the on that day when the real men stand up and say no to FGM it will be on that day when we will say a final RIP to Female Genital Mutilation? In a guest blog for 28 Too Many, Geoffrey Otieno from Kenya talks about the role of men in FGM and why they should take action to end this harmful practice.

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