23 December 2013

What changes are taking place in FGM in Tanzania?

Guest blog by a 28 Too Many researcher. During August and September 2013 Gosbert Lwentaro, a researcher based in Dar es Salaam undertook research on FGM in Tanzania for 28 Too Many. His research included meetings and community group discussions in Arusha and Moshi and in this blog he shares some of the findings which show how FGM is changing in Tanzania.

16 December 2013

How can we talk about FGM in a culturally sensitive and progressive way?

Guest blog by Diya Mukarji. An interesting and thoughtful blog by Diya Mukarji, a post-colonial feminist and anti-FGM campaigner. In this piece Diya explores how we can discuss a difficult topic like FGM in a culturally sensitive and progressive way which does not hinder efforts to end the practice.

10 December 2013

Press Release: FGM remains a danger for Tanzania's girls despite laws against the practice

It is estimated that 7.9 million women and girls in Tanzania have undergone FGM (UNICEF, 2013).  New research for 28 Too Many’s report “Country Profile: FGM in Tanzania” shows that there has been good progress against FGM in some areas of Tanzania but there are still very strong challenges to eradicating FGM.

10 December 2013

Fighting against FGM and for Human Rights in Tanzania

Blog by Louise Robertson. As we celebrate Human Rights Day 2013, we share a story of a brave woman in Tanzania urging others to abandon the harmful traditional practice of female genital mutilation (FGM).

6 November 2013

"I will not be cut! You will not cut me!"

Guest blog by 28 Too Many volunteer Vivien Cohen. Vivien Cohen reviews the film "I will never be cut" by The Guardian Global Development, which looks at FGM in Kenya and highlights how girls and campaigners are trying to change attitudes and end this cruel practice.

31 October 2013

Press Release: Female genital mutilation numbers down in Ethiopia

23.8 million women in Ethiopia have had female genital mutilation (FGM) which makes it the second most affected country in Africa for FGM. However despite the fact that FGM is widespread and is practised in the majority of regions and ethnics groups, research by 28 Too Many finds that attitudes are changing in Ethiopia and progress is being made to reduce and eventually eradicate this harmful practice.

14 October 2013

Resolution opposing FGM passed at the ACWW Triennial Conference

A landmark resolution opposing FGM passed at the Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) 27th Triennial Conference

3 October 2013

Painful Truth Poem: A blog and poem on FGM for National Poetry Day 2013

On National Poetry Day (UK) 2013 we share a powerful and moving poem written by a Somali FGM survivor.

16 July 2013

FGM in Uganda

Blog by Johanna Waritay, 28 Too Many Research Coordinator. A blog by Johanna Waritay about our new country profile on FGM in Uganda. Although the overall rate of FGM is low in Uganda the practice is still deeply entrenched in some areas and there are still many challenges to overcome before FGM is eradicated in Uganda.

12 July 2013

Press release: New research on FGM in Uganda

A new report on FGM in Uganda by 28 Too Many published on Monday 15th July finds that Uganda has a low rate of FGM compared to many African countries but faces a tough battle to eradicate the practice.

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