Key Findings

The prevalence of FGM/C in Central African Republic among women aged 15–49 is 21.6%.

69.3% of women (aged 15–49) think FGM/C should be abandoned.


The prefectures with the highest prevalence are in the centre


As of 2018–19, 17.3% of girls between the ages of 15 and 19 had been cut


‘Cut, flesh removed’ is the most common type of FGM/C practised


The majority of girls who have undergone FGM/C were cut by a traditional practitioner

Distribution of FGM/C across CAR

FGM/C is practised across all prefectures and ethnic groups in the CAR.  The regions with the highest prevalence are in the centre of the country: Region 4 (Nana Grebizi, Kemo, Ouaka) (60.6%) and Region 5 (Haute-Kotto, Bamingui-Bangoran, Vakaga) (65.4%).  The region with the lowest prevalence is Region 2 (Sangha Mbaere, Mambere-Kadei, Nana Mambere), at 5.6%.  Women aged 15–49 who live in rural areas are more likely to undergo FGM/C (27.5%) than those who live in urban areas (11.9%).

Prevalence of FGM/C is inversely correlated with level of wealth.

The highest prevalence of FGM/C is among households where the head is of Banda ethnicity (52.9% of women aged 15–49); the lowest is found among households where the head is of Mboum ethnicity (4.0%).

Distribution of FGM/C across CAR

Click on the map to enlarge

Trends in FGM/C Prevalence in CAR

Trends in FGM/C Prevalence in CAR

Click on the graph to enlarge

Between 2010 and 2018–19, the overall prevalence for women aged 15–49 fell from 24.2% to 21.6%. Due to the large age-range of women included, however, the overall prevalence alone may not fully reflect the progress that has been made in recent years. Breaking down by age group the most recent data (which is from 2018–19) show that the prevalence for women aged 45–49 is 24.8%, while for the youngest age-group this has fallen to 17.3%. Despite the fact that a small proportion of women may be cut after the age of 15, the data demonstrate a clear trend towards lower prevalence among younger women.

FGM/C Legislation in CAR

Law No. 06.032 on the Protection of Women Against Violence in Central African Republic, dated 27 December 2006, contains provisions on FGM/C.  Law No. 10.001, the Penal Code of the Central African Republic, dated 6 January 2010, also criminalises FGM/C.  There is a lack of evidence, however, of any FGM/C cases being prosecuted under these laws.

Development Indicators

Population Growth

5,243,507 (as of 15 September 2024), with a 1.76% growth rate (2024 est.)

Infant Mortality

80.5 deaths per 1,000 live births (2024)

Maternal Mortality

835 deaths per 100,000 live births (2020)

HDI Rank

191 out of 193 countries (2022)